Berger & Montague Sometimes if you want something done right, you need to do it yourself. Berger & Montague knows this. So when it came time to update the firm's technological infrastructure and find a more efficient way to work to with its electronic files, it took matters into its own hands, creating Kaleidoscope, which the firm describes as “a proprietary, state-of-the-art document management and mining for litigation platform.” Kaleidoscope allows the firm's attorneys to easily create, upload, search, store, and work with millions of pages of documents electronically. In addition to being utilized within the firm, it also provides hosting and litigation support services in cases where the firm is co-counsel or is not directly involved. Jon Berger, CIO Necessity is the mother of invention. What need were you inspired to address with your innovation?  Innovation within a law firm requires a strong vision and a lot of coordination internally. How was your firm able to turn a vision into a reality? In an increasingly competitive legal market, what's one of the biggest challenges law firms face today? Conversely, name one opportunity available to law firms in the current climate.