Samuel C. Stretton. |

There is nothing in the rules that requires a judge to explain every decision.

As a relatively new judge, at times litigants—particularly some young assistant district attorneys—are very aggressive in asking me to state my reasons for rulings or verdicts, particularly if it's not guilty in nonjury trials. Am I obligated to do so? Leber v. Stretton |

One should never speak with a juror without approval of the judge.

Oftentimes at the end of a trial, a judge will not let me speak to jurors. But, the judge always goes back and speaks to them by himself. There is no record of that. Are there any prohibitions in what is allowed to be said? Chester County lawyer Samuel C. Stretton has practiced in the area of legal and judicial ethics for more than 35 years. He welcomes questions and comments from readers. If you have a question, call Stretton directly at 610-696-4243 or write to him at 301 S. High St. P.O. Box 3231, West Chester, Pennsylvania, 19381.