
Increased Thresholds


Inline XBRL Filing


Increased Threshold for Disclosure Under Rule 701


Concept Release on Ways to Modernize Rule 701 and Form S-8

  • Whether Rule 701 and Form S-8 should apply to new types of contractual relationships between companies and individuals involving alternative work arrangements in the so-called “gig economy;”
  • Whether Rule 701 should be available to reporting companies;
  • Whether the SEC should allow a company to register offers and sales of securities under all of its employee benefits plans on a single Form S-8;
  • Whether the filing fee rules for Form S-8 should be modified; and
  • Whether the disclosure and timing requirements in Rule 701(e) should be amended.

Katayun I. Jaffari is a partner in Ballard Spahr's business and finance department and a member of the securities, life sciences/technology, energy and project finance, and mergers and acquisitions/private equity practice groups. Contact her at [email protected] or 215-864-8475. Mehrnaz (Naz) Jalali is an associate in the firm's business and finance department and a member of the securities, mergers and acquisition/private equity, and emerging growth and private capital groups. Contact her at [email protected] or 646-346-8014.