train engine car on train tracks in a railroad yard

Elected and Appointed

Burns White's David A. Damico was installed as president of the National Association of Railroad Trial Counsel during its annual conference in Chicago.

With more than 900 members, the NARTC includes top railroad trial and in-house attorneys from the United States and Canada.

The organization's mission is to provide educational and social avenues for members to learn about issues that affect the rail industry and their craft as railroad trial lawyers.

Damico brings more than 30 years of railroad trial experience to the position.


The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers' Pennsylvania chapter appointed Brian C. Vertz as president.

Vertz, a partner at downtown Pittsburgh family law firm Pollock Begg Komar Glasser & Vertz and fellow of AAML since 2003, previously held secretary, second-vice president and president-elect positions within the organization.

He will continue as national chair of the amicus committee of the AAML and co-chair of the national AAML practice and technology committee.

Vertz was elected to the board of directors of the national AAML Foundation, the organization's charitable arm, and serves as a member of its fundraising and long-range planning committees.

Vertz is also a fellow of the International Academy of Family Lawyers.


Kevin Myhre of Barley Snyder was named to the executive board of the Chester County council of the Boy Scouts of America.

A former scout, Myhre now joins the executive board that presides over the operations of the Boy Scout troops of Chester County.

Based out of Barley Snyder's Malvern office, Myhre is an associate in the firm's intellectual property practice group.

Prior to joining the firm, he worked as a patent examiner in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and was an aerospace engineering student at the University of Virginia.


McNees Wallace & Nurick and the Pennsylvania Esports Coalition are backing the Harrisburg University Esports Festival, the region's first festival combining nationally known music acts with one of the largest collegiate esports tournaments.

The HUE Festival is scheduled for Sept. 21-22 in downtown Harrisburg.

At the event, presented by iHeartMedia, teams playing video games “League of Legends” and “Overwatch” will battle for a prize of $50,000 to be divided between each of the winning teams.

The bands Lit, Alien Ant Farm and Atlas Genius are slated to perform.

McNees Wallace's esports practice group focuses on providing legal services in relation to intellectual property, gambling, labor standards, and privacy and data security.


The Legal and Pennsylvania Law Weekly are looking for verdicts and settlements to report.

If you're a plaintiffs or defense attorney who has obtained a verdict or settlement in Pennsylvania county or federal court recently, email Zack Needles at [email protected].