Unlike civil and criminal causes of action, dependency cases involve governmental intrusion in the core structure of a family in instances primarily when children are found to be lacking proper parental care or control, subsistence, without proper education, when they have been neglected or physically, emotionally or mentally abused, abandoned or without a parent, guardian, or custodian.

When handling child abuse and neglect cases, the juvenile court must strike a delicate balance between parental rights and children's rights, between family stability and child safety, guided by the principle that every child has the right to grow up in a safe, nurturing, and permanent family. Regardless of the stage of the proceedings, it is important to recognize that a dependency proceeding is itself a traumatic event, where testimony is often elicited about the most humiliating and disturbing acts by a family member against the most vulnerable victim, an innocent child. The Pennsylvania Legislature addressed this reality by providing for confidential proceedings.