Filing Fanatics

It's been two weeks since the First Judicial District shut down its website and electronic filing system in response to a cyberattack, and now Philadelphia's three largest bar associations are providing guidance on how attorneys should handle filings.

The Philadelphia Association of Defense Counsel, the Philadelphia Bar Association and the Philadelphia Trial Lawyers Association issued a memo Tuesday after bar leaders had a meeting with court leadership to discuss concerns that attorneys have raised over the past few weeks. The two-page memo addresses deadlines, filing procedures and service, among other things.

Several law firm leaders told The Legal last week that they were returning to “old school” practices of paper filings and couriers to deal with the electronic shut down, and Philadelphia Bar Association chancellor Shelli Fedullo said the court has been very receptive to the legal community's concerns.

“We'll keep on working together,” Fedullo said. “We're happy to help any way we can.”

According to the memo, the dedicated court contact on these issues is Charles Mapp, senior chief deputy court administrator, at 215-686-2239. Lawyers can also reach out to PADC president Bob Cosgrove at [email protected]; Fedullo at [email protected]; or Tim Lawn, president of PTLA, at [email protected].

Read the memo below: