In The Legal's Workers' Compensation supplement, read about the plight of scarred workers, issues that arise when residents work out of state and EDI transactions in workers' compensation claims.

In certain circumstances, injured workers also sustain permanent disfigurement as a direct result of a work injury, leaving them with constant reminders of the trauma they endured years after their treatment has ended.

Violence in our world today is a never-ending threat and the workplace is no exception. Verbal abuse, physical assaults, harassment, and intimidation at work are on the rise and supported by staggering statistics.

Issues that arise out of cross-jurisdiction claims are frustrating for all parties involved but especially for the employer, as it increases potential exposure because now the employer is subject to laws in more than one state.

The workers' compensation system is designed to provide employees with wage replacement and medical care, but does not provide injured employees with job protection.

WCAIS rolled out in phases and, beginning in 2013, increasingly required claims professionals to process claims information electronically rather than by submission of paper forms. Before WCAIS, in order to accept or deny a claim, claims professionals completed a paper form, served it and filed it with the bureau.

Moral and ethical behavior by professional investigators along with their general investigative skills and experience are assets to attorneys during the handling, evaluation and resolution of a litigated workers' compensation matter.

The Delaware workers' compensation system has evolved over the years to now encompass seven basic rights bestowed by statute upon those unfortunate enough to sustain a work injury or fatality.