Steps being taken to stop the spread of the coronavirus reveal true weaknesses in the judicial system.

What are concerns about the court's actions with the coronavirus and other matters recently?

Samuel C. Stretton. Samuel C. Stretton.

The coronavirus and the steps being take reveal true weaknesses in the judicial system, at least in Pennsylvania. Although I believe the restrictions were a serious overreaction, there was a need for concern and limiting the number of people in courtrooms, etc,

Having said that, the first point that sticks out is the need for a truly unified judicial system. There was much confusion before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court issued their orders and even afterwards. The confusion is seen by the different actions every county took. Some counties were still having hearings or some hearings. In this modern world where lawyers practice in multiple counties, the need for a unified response from each county became very clear. It becomes impossible to be on top of 67 different counties. The need for a uniform practice becomes apparent.