COVID-19 is an unprecedented challenge for us all. Our normal routines have been set aside by choice and by fiat. We are working from home with all of the distractions that brings—children, pets, partners (the other kind)—are all part of the new normal. The access to the refrigerator, the TV and the X-Box, are all part of the new normal. At least for now. The crisis will not last forever and when it subsides, we will return to our offices and to our normal work routines. COVID-19, however, will leave its mark.

Many better qualified experts than I are already speculating on a COVID-19 baby boom (as well as a “divorce tsunami”). I anticipate a COVID-19 legal malpractice upswell (nothing as dramatic as a tsunami), and it does not take much of an imagination to see why. The COVID-19 upswell will be driven by two idioms that are newer than you might think and exceptionally relevant to the current moment.

The Devil Is in the Details