Philadelphia Bar Association's 40th annual Run/Walk Runners start the 10K Race portion of the Philadelphia Bar Association's 40th annual Run/Walk on May 19, 2019. (Photo: Support Center for Child Advocates)
  • From May 17 to May 24, the Philadelphia Bar Association and Support Center for Child Advocates will hold the 41st annual Virtual 5K Run/Walk. Whether on your treadmill, in your local park or neighborhood street, the challenge is to run or walk 3.10 miles between May 17 and May 24. Compete as an individual or on a virtual running team at no additional charge. Visit
  • On May 18, the Philadelphia Bar Association will present a CLE-Video Encore: Attorney Fee Agreements-Ethical, Legal and Practical Consideration, via webcast, 10 a.m.-noon. This encore program explores the fee agreement and its ethical, legal and practical considerations. Attendees will learn how to avoid the common mistakes attorneys make when entering into fee agreements with clients, as well as how to address those issues which often arise when representation ends, or the client hires a new attorney. The presentation will also include a role play of a fee dispute mediation. 1 SUB/1 ETH credit available. To register, visit
  • On May 19, the Philadelphia Bar Association and the Asian Pacific American Bar Association of Pennsylvania will present a CLE-Responding to Hate Crimes and Bias Incidents, with Speakers live via webcast, 5-7:15 p.m. Panelists will describe what conduct may qualify as a hate crime, a hate incident with a civil remedy or as unlawful discrimination. Law enforcement officers and civil agencies will explain the process to report incidents and seek help, and community leaders will address what is happening within their communities, and what changes are needed to better serve victims and prevent further harm. 2 SUB credits available. To register, visit
  • On Wednesday, May 20, Philadelphia VIP is holding its Virtual Practice Spotlight: Filing Lead Claims in Municipal Court via Zoom, from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. VIP and Community Legal Services Staff Attorney Osarugue Grace Osa-Edoh will host a training on incorporating lead claims into eviction defense through VIP. This training and discussion will focus on the filing and hearing process in Municipal Court, consideration for different types of lead claims, current case law, and more. RSVP here:
  • On May 21, the Municipal Court Committee of the Philadelphia Bar Association will host the CLE-Applying Fair Housing Law to Rental Evictions in Philadelphia, with speakers via webcast, 12:30-2 p.m. This CLE program is designed to provide attorneys, judges, court staff and administrators and others who are involved in the eviction process a fundamental grounding in the rights and obligations of landlords and tenants under the nation's fair housing laws. Guidance on the laws and regulations will be followed by actual case examples of discrimination in rental housing as a vehicle to sensitize session participants to what potential fair housing violations look like. 1.5 SUB credits available. To register, visit
  • On May 26, the Philadelphia Bar Association and the Dauphin County Bar Association will present the CLE–The CARES Act Beyond the Paycheck Protection Loans–Benefits for Bankruptcy, Housing and Student Loans, with speakers live via webcast, noon-1 p.m. Topics to be discussed include: substantive changes to Chapter 13 bankruptcies, mortgage forbearances and foreclosure/eviction moratoriums and student loan payment suspension with added mention of expanded unemployment compensation and relaxed retirement withdrawal standards. 1.0 SUB credit available. To register, visit
  • On May 27, the young lawyers division of the Philadelphia Bar Association will hold a virtual Town Hall: Easing Law Student Concerns During COVID-19, noon-2 p.m. To register, visit
  • On May 28, Philadelphia VIP will host its Virtual Training: Probate in the Time of COVID-19 via Zoom, from 1:00 – 2:30 pm. During this training, VIP volunteer Brian Gilboy (Gilboy & Gilboy) and VIP Staff Attorney Mike Jones will walk attendees through the probate process, answer questions about handling a VIP case during the COVID-19 pandemic, and empower volunteers to help clients overcome their tangled title issues. Register today:
  • On June 2, the Philadelphia Bar Association will hold the CLE-Coronavirus and Your Mental Health: A Lawyer's Guide to Coping with Isolation, Anxiety and Fear in Uncertain Times, with speaker live via webcast, 9-10 a.m. This program focuses on mental health and well-being in the pandemic era. 1 SUB credit available. To register, visit
  • On June 4, the criminal justice section of the Philadelphia Bar Association will host the CLE- Gendered Communication and Its Effect on Persuasive Advocacy, with speakers live via webcast, 12:30- 2 p.m. This program is an examination of transgender and nonbinary attorneys' experience in law. Panelists will address the following topics, among others: how advocates adapt to and adopt juror expectations of a "competent" attorney, how advocacy is perceived and received differently based on perceived gender, and how we can stop reinforcing a "gendered" paradigm in our advocacy pedagogy. 1.5 SUB credit available. To register, visit
  • On June 9, the Philadelphia Bar Association will hold the June 2020 probate and trust law section quarterly meeting and CLE: Special Needs Trusts and the ABLE Act-In Theory and in Practice, with speakers live via webcast, 12:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. This program provides an examination of various types of special needs trusts, as well as addresses guardianships, and other planning techniques including ABLE Accounts and retirement accounts that may benefit special needs clients in the post-SECURE Act era. 2 SUB credits available. To register, visit
  • On June 10, Philadelphia VIP's Family Law Practice Group will meet via Zoom, from noon-1 p.m. Strategize about VIP cases, connect with fellow attorneys, and deepen your commitment to expanding access to justice with Philadelphia VIP. For more information and to register, visit
  • On June 11, Philadelphia VIP's Virtual Landlord-Tenant Petition to Vacate Training and Clinic will be held via Zoom, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. At this training, led by Jacob Speidel, Director of Tenant Rights at SeniorLAW Center, attendees will learn to draft and file petitions to vacate. Afterward, VIP will refer cases to volunteers where they will assist tenant clients in vacating money judgments or judgments of possession they received in Municipal Court eviction cases. Register here:
  • On Sept. 17, Philadelphia VIP is hosting its Annual Awards Ceremony from 5:30-7:30 p..m -save the date! VIP volunteers provide the highest quality legal representation to low-income clients in need of legal assistance; please join us in celebrating the accomplishments of these volunteers and honoring the top individual volunteers and partner organizations. As the event date approaches, our team will monitor the COVID-19 situation and assess whether this event will be held at Philadelphia City Hall or conducted virtually.