The state Judicial Conduct Board has filed ethics charges against Greene County President Judge Farley Toothman for two instances of alleged retaliation against a woman assigned to community service and a courthouse janitor, as well as mishandling cases.

Charges were announced Tuesday by the JCB.

According to the board's complaint, Toothman's law clerk, Alexsandra Chamberlain, had been shopping in the convenience store of a local Sunoco gas station when another customer, Christy McCarty, questioned Chamberlain about her activities in the store. According to the complaint, Chamberlain took McCarty's questioning as an accusation of theft and both store clerks working at the time told Chamberlain they were also suspicious of her behavior and planned to report it to their manager so that he could check the surveillance footage. Upon returning to the courthouse, Chamberlain told Toothman about the incident.