In the Legal's Energy/Environmental Law supplement read about net metering, the constitutional implications of efforts to join RGGI and the changing landscape of water regulations in the United States.

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FERC Maintains the Status Quo on Net Metering for the Time Being

Net metering is one of the public policy tools that states and state regulatory commissions use to spur the growth of renewable energy generation.

Constitutional Implications of Pa. Executive Branch Efforts to Join RGGI

In Pennsylvania, policy makers in the Governor's Office and General Assembly are actively considering the propriety of joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).

Besieged: State, Federal Efforts to Limit the PUC's Regulation of Net Metering

This article will outline these challenges to the PUC's authority and explore the potential implications for customers, electric utilities and the PUC.

The Changing Landscape of Water Regulation in the US

This article explores these developments, which, taken individually and collectively, are likely to spur significant litigation and precipitate substantial shifts in what activities, areas, entities, and substances are—and are not—subject to regulation.