Maxwell Briskman Stanfield of Meyer Unkovic & Scott Maxwell Briskman Stanfield of Meyer Unkovic & Scott

With just a couple of months left in 2020—and they can't pass soon enough, some might say— many corporations that follow the calendar year should use this time to review the legal-related aspects of the business. A thorough evaluation helps businesses prepare for the new year, ensuring proper protections remain in place and providing a chance to consider or adopt any necessary updates to laws affecting their operations. Even for those that follow a fiscal year, rather than a calendar year, the same principle applies.

Given the whirlwind that has been 2020, businesses will want to take stock and pay extra scrutiny in their review. If you need some advice on where to start, consider the following checklist and remember one piece of advice: organization is key. The more organized the records and documentation, the easier and more efficient the review becomes.