The benefits of employing the virtual law firm model in mass tort litigation are well known. The virtual law firm concept has often been employed by clients involved in mass torts and has been made up of partnerships among large law firms. However, there are specific benefits associated with creating a virtual law firm team involving a midsize firm—which often has more rate flexibility—at the very early stages of a litigation, and in multiple facets of the case, to provide the greatest benefit to the client.

As a general matter, the virtual law firm team is comprised of attorneys from multiple law firms in an effort to capitalize on the strengths and particular experience of various attorneys to provide an efficient and specialized defense. The first and predominant player is often known as "national counsel," comprised of attorneys from a large law firm who are responsible for the overall strategic vision of the litigation. While all lawyers involved in the matter are seasoned in the legal issues presented, national counsel is the "head coach" who ensures that each player is performing their respective role and that consistent and coordinated defense themes are asserted throughout the litigation.