Proposed changes to the Rules of Professional Conduct should be reviewed during the comment time.

I understand there are some substantial changes to the Rules of Professional Conduct. Are there any significant changes?

Samuel C. Stretton. Samuel C. Stretton.

There are some significant proposed changes to the Pennsylvania Rules of Professional Conduct, but the changes have not been adopted yet. There is a comment time, which ends on or before May 21. It is worthwhile for everyone to review the changes, particularly since they are primarily regarding advertisements and solicitation. Comment 5 to Rule 7.1, the general advertisement rule, has some new changes. One can now use a trade name if it is not false or misleading. One can also use social media and usernames. Comment 7 to Rule 7.1 prohibits lawyers from holding themselves out as practicing together when they are not a firm. Comment 8 precludes a lawyer from using a public office name unless the public office-holding lawyer is actively and regularly practicing with the firm.