Daniel Pollack, left, and Cameron R. Getto, right. Courtesy photos Daniel Pollack, left, and Cameron R. Getto, right. Courtesy photos

While car insurance underwriters don't have crystal balls, they do have actuarial tables. Comprised of pre-analyzed data indicating what type of drivers and cars will more likely become involved in an accident, they provide valuable information. Prior lawsuits and data kept by child welfare departments contain clues regarding what types of foster children were abused or were abusive in specific kinds of placements. Using this knowledge could help ensure safer foster care placements.

There is no question that foster placements involve some risk. To minimize the risk, states employ rules, regulations and other administrative guidance to determine whether a particular family is suitable to accept foster placements. Prospective foster parents commonly fill out applications and are evaluated pursuant to various minimum criteria, including one or more home visits. Placement agencies review financial documents, home ownership documents or leases. Agencies will interview references and perform required background checks.