(L-R)Brian Ellis, Taylor Anderson, and Gabrielle Pelura of Bressler Amery & Ross. Courtesy photos (L-R)Brian Ellis, Taylor Anderson, and Gabrielle Pelura of Bressler Amery & Ross. Courtesy photos

On Aug, 19, the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission (CRC) published its first set of rules and regulations titled "Personal Use Cannabis Rules," (the rules) as part of its mandate under the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance, and Marketplace Modernization Act (CREAMMA). Without these rules, important provisions under CREAMMA were operative, but not effective. The rules focus on regulating several important provisions in CREAMMA, including, but not limited to: market access, municipal relationships, equity and safety.

Market Access

The rules establish a licensure process that will provide structure and regulation to the competitive cannabis market.