(L-R)Curt Toll, Alex Scarola, and Nikki Lewis Simon of Greenberg Traurig. Courtesy photos (L-R)Curt Toll, Alex Scarola, and Nikki Lewis Simon of Greenberg Traurig. Courtesy photos

Broadening the table for meaningful inclusion means more than refraining from excluding anyone. It translates into using positioning and experience to expand opportunity for all by growing leadership through a commitment to better cultivate and deploy a wider arsenal of talent. These efforts often reap even greater revenues. Combined, this constitutes the premise and promise of effective allyship in the law firm setting.

Increasingly, law firms that demonstrate a commitment to recruiting, incorporating, and empowering and wide range of perspectives will best position themselves for the future. The traumatic events of 2020 may have helped concentrate minds on this reality; however, some of us have been actively engaged in these thoughtful endeavors well before.