Conrad OBrien attorneys Conrad O'Brien attorneys and staff at the annual PathWays PA Adopt-A-Family program who contributed and helped during the "wrapping party" along with all of the gifts going to a PathWays family (L-R): Meghan Farley, Ching Chew, Alexis Madden, Mark Scholler, Brianna Dinmore, Joe Jesiolowski, Andrew Gallinaro, Lisa Doyle, Pam Farrell, David Lukmire and Robyn Henry. Courtesy photo.


Conrad O'Brien attorneys and staff participated in the PathWays PA Adopt-A-Family program, which pairs sponsors with a PathWays PA client family to contribute gifts and necessities for the holiday season.

Conrad O'Brien participates in this program annually to buy gifts for a family and then gather to wrap gifts for the donation. This year the firm was able to give all the gifts from a family's wish list to a mother and her three children.

PathWays PA is a social service agency that provides service and advocacy for women, children and families while helping them achieve self-sufficiency and family well-being.