Vanessa Kelly of Clark Hill. Courtesy photo Vanessa Kelly of Clark Hill. Courtesy photo

Legal employers, like other employers in the United States, have been challenged to make meaningful and substantial strides to diversify and create workplaces that are truly equitable. The call to action is both internal, driven by firm/corporate leaders and employees, as well as external, in response to client demands. As employers continue to focus on navigating a world changed in fundamental ways by the pandemic, they are also seeking to be more intentional in creating workplaces that are representative. Certainly, increasing diversity hiring is an important part of building equitable and diverse workplaces but, so is retention. How do legal employers create an inclusive environment that motivates employees to stay and thrive?

One strategy organizations can employ is to create programs that focus on inclusion and a sense of belonging or what can also be referenced as the authenticity of its workforce. For example, Clark Hill's affinity groups, centered around women (BOLD), multiculturalism (THRIVE) and LGBTQ+ (PRIDE), provide support in the form of mentoring, leadership skills and business development. However, these affinity groups, open to all, also provide programs that include an opportunity for community and belonging. In addition, the firm has designed regular inclusion celebrations. This programing is a collaboration by professional development and Clark Hill affinity groups to provide firmwide awareness, education and connections while celebrating diversity and different heritages, cultures and backgrounds.