Karen Fortune, chief deputy solicitor with Child Welfare Unit of the Philadelphia Law Department.. Courtesy photo Karen Fortune, chief deputy solicitor with Child Welfare Unit of the Philadelphia Law Department.. Courtesy photo

Karen Fortune, Philadelphia Law Department, Child Welfare Unit

Fortune looks at mentorship and talent, differently. She has found that mentorship does not have to be a formal, inflexible process, but to be an effective mentor, simply taking a call, answering an email, meeting for brunch or a quick coffee is all that is required. Tantamount is the willingness to engage. She has used this ethos to increase the diversity in her Unit at the Law Department. Fortune uses her network to find talented, diverse individuals, learns their aspirations, and connects them with wisdom and opportunities. When she sees a teachable moment with a younger attorney, she does just thatteaches them. Fortune's interactions with those of the next generation that she mentors are sustained and impactful. She is contributing to the professional development of the Law Department's team, increasing the quality of our work, and increasing the Law Department's positive impact on its clients and the people of Philadelphia. The Law Department is a more diverse and inclusive place for Fortune's efforts.

As you built your career, who mentored you?

When I first moved to Philadelphia, I didn't know anyone in the legal community. But friends of friends gave me names. One of them was former City Solicitor Charisse Lillie. I remember calling her and she graciously gave me her time to answer some questions. She was the reason why I decided to apply to the Law Department way back in 1993. And that was where I was hired by another mentor, A. Michael Pratt, who has been incredibly helpful in my career. And during my second stint in the Law Department, I met Vanessa Garrett-Harley and Nicolette Burgess-Bolden, who have both been great role models and mentors to me.