Kenneth Siegel of Reed Smith. Courtesy photo Kenneth Siegel of Reed Smith. Courtesy photo

Kenneth Siegel, Reed Smith

According to one of the many Reed Smith lawyers he mentored, Siegel is a natural teacher, with an easy, supportive style and a calm confidence. His forte is explaining even the most complex aspects of legal issues and helping his mentees analyze their options, think strategically, advance their clients' interests and meet their clients' needs. No matter when his mentees seek his assistance and guidance, he makes himself available to help them sort out their issues and make solid decisions. They deeply appreciate that he is never "too busy" to help them become more proficient and knowledgeable lawyers, even when he is too busy with his own practice.

Siegel's mentees also observe that many of the attributes that make him an outstanding mentor also make him a good person. He is a model lawyer and professional, with abiding respect, limitless patience, consistent attention to detail and high expectations for them. One mentee explained, "When I had a task to do and needed honest, on-point feedback on my work, Ken would critique my efforts, of course, but more than that, he would work beside me on my tasks, side by side in the trenches, as I honed my skills and built my confidence. I felt as if I were part of a team, not alone on an island, with Ken as my mentor."

As you built your career, who mentored you?