(l-r) Jamie Gullen, Tracie Johnson, Claire Grandison, and Bridget Biddle of Community Legal Services of Philadelphia. Courtesy photo (l-r) Jamie Gullen, Tracie Johnson, Claire Grandison, and Bridget Biddle of Community Legal Services of Philadelphia. Courtesy photo

Community Legal Services of Philadelphia

At a time when staying safe meant staying home, CLS fought to keep Philadelphians housed and connected to life-sustaining utilities. Thanks to three interrelated programs CLS helped to create, Philadelphia has become a national leader in preventing eviction and homelessness.

With the Philadelphia Eviction Prevention Project, Eviction Diversion Program, and Right to Counsel, tenants finally have a comprehensive system of support while facing eviction. CLS also advocated for foreclosure moratoriums and helped families navigate complex forbearance rules. Because of advocacy from CLS and the firm's partners, no Philadelphian lost their home to foreclosure in 2020 or 2021. When utility companies shut off life-essential utility services for our clients, CLS successfully got their water, gas, and electric restored, so that they could quarantine safely.

Necessity is the mother of invention. What need was your firm inspired to address with your innovation?