Paul Saint-Antoine Paul H. Saint-Antoine partner with Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath. Courtesy photo


On June 2, Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath Philadelphia partner Paul Saint-Antoine was part of a panel of attorneys and economists addressing the topic of "Modern Approaches to Analyzing Hospital Mergers" at the American Bar Association's 2022 Antitrust in Health Care Conference.

The conference brought together leading government enforcers, economists, and plaintiff and defense counsel to share their insights and offer practical advice and policy recommendations on the Biden administration's Executive Order on competition, on increased government and private antitrust enforcement, and on other competition-related issues affecting the health care industry.

Saint-Antoine's panel focused on recent hospital merger cases brought by the FTC, including the Jefferson and Hackensack federal court actions, where he was trial counsel for the acquiring hospital in both of the contested mergers.