There are more than 50,000 public relations (PR) firms in the United States. So, when your litigation strategies call for communication counsel, how do you choose? Here are five simple suggestions from the insiders to help you make an informed and successful choice.

Start With the End in Mind

Public relations is a field similar to the the law in that it has many specialties—corporate communication, crisis communication, executive communication, financial communication, government affairs, internal communication, investor relations, employee relations, media relations, publicity, etc. And then there is industry-specific expertise. To narrow your options, start with a search for firms that can help achieve your specific litigation goals and recognize you may need multi-disciplinary support. For instance, a crisis communication firm with only media relations capabilities will be less prepared to help your client deal with an internal communication effort to address employee sentiment. Matters involving a publicly traded organization can likewise benefit from combined crisis communication and investor relations experience. When meeting with firm leaders, ask about their experience and results in meeting specific goals—whether it's shaping public sentiment, motivating a specific behavior change, or helping achieve another outcome.