Everyone wants a playbook to guide them in their business, careers and in life. "Franchise Strategies" is a business book intended to mentor students of franchising and entrepreneurs toward successful franchising. Indeed, its subtitle, "The Entrepreneur's Guide to Success" accurately signals that this book provides mentorship. It is not written for lawyers, but should be required reading for lawyers to understand the path to success in franchising.

"Franchise Strategies," by Edward Teixeira and Richard Chan, is written in a clear and practical business style with an academic pedigree from the Center of Entrepreneurial Finance at Stony Brook University. Teixeira has more than 40 years in the franchise industry with a master's degree in economics and on the Board of the Center. Chan is an associate professor in the College of Business is the founder of the Center at Stony Brook. Their presentation is data-driven and contains concise case studies and research reports to present the proven success model of franchising. Teixeira is currently involved with FranchiseGrade.com, from which he reports industry metrics, and cites to Fran data and International Franchise Association reports as well. Chan provides academic rigor to the feasibility analysis for any franchise business.