Eastburn and Gray attorney Abigail C.S. Bukowski. Eastburn and Gray attorney Abigail C.S. Bukowski. Courtesy photo


Eastburn and Gray is scheduled to host a divorce workshop on Aug. 17 in partnership with Second Saturday Divorce.

The seminar is to cover legal, emotional and financial issues associated with divorce. Eastburn and Gray attorney Abigail C.S. Bukowski is scheduled to speak and discuss the legal aspects of the divorce process, the costs involved and alternatives to litigation, including mediation and collaborative law. Topics to be included are: equitable distribution of assets, alimony, child support, spousal support and child custody.

Bukowski joined Eastburn and Gray in 2021. Previously, she was a summer law clerk for the firm. She is an attorney in the family law practice where she handles a variety of complex family law and domestic relations issues including divorce, custody, child and spousal support, protection from abuse, alimony and equitable distribution.