Although most everyone likes a sunny forecast, in the legal profession it is those who make it rain that are often the most valued and well-compensated. But while farmers need rain to feed and nurture their crops, for lawyers, the inverse proposition is more likely true because it is the feeding and nurturing of client relationships, especially when they are in the nascent stage, that help produce the rain. For those “younger farmers” hoping to turn a trickle into a good soaking rainstorm, here are a few modest suggestions to get you started.

Decide what crops to grow: Define your message and zero in on prospects whose interests match your expertise. Cultivate relationships with other seedlings and grow those relationships and as you each rise in your respective organizations. Always be focused on how you might help them rather than the other way around, even if it nothing more than providing a good recommendation of another professional. No one will ever begrudge selflessness.