While property rights are often viewed as inherently private, both law and society recognize that there is also a public nature to the use of land. To this end, the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (MPC) establishes requirements mandating public notice of and allowing for public participation in the land use decision-making process. For example, where a landowner requests a variance or special exception from the zoning hearing board, or a conditional use from the governing body, those entities must publish notice of and hold a public hearing on the application. At that hearing, impacted members of the public may comment on and object to the application. However, land use decisions for what are called "uses by right" are not made by the governing body or the zoning hearing board, but instead are addressed at an administrative level by the municipal zoning officer. Upon receipt of an application for a use by right, a zoning officer is not required to provide any public notice, public hearing or public comment period.