Marcie Borgal Shunk, President and Founder of the The Tilt Institute Inc. Courtesy photo Marcie Borgal Shunk, president and founder of the The Tilt Institute Inc. Courtesy photo


Smart Strategy

Are you solving the right problems? This query is the title of a 2017 article (and subsequent book) by Thomas Weddell-Weddellsborg, and the consummate question when discussing virtually any persistent challenge. It also holds a profound lesson for law firms today. As detailed in the first article of this series, leaders are fast becoming overwhelmed with the weight and impact of over two years of imposed change. The pandemic, global unrest, political extremism, the war for talent and more are placing a great burden on today's law firm leaders, leaving many feeling burnt out and underprepared. Daily inquiries persist about how and whether to enforce return-to-office, what hybrid work model will best maintain culture, when and on what issues the firm should publicly take a stance, and more. These are not simple questions.