On Oct. 24, House Resolution 231 narrowly passed out of the House Judiciary Committee by a vote of 13-12. The resolution is titled: "A Concurrent Resolution Encouraging the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to make the investigation and disciplinary process of lawyers more transparent." This resolution is misguided, unnecessary and is a threat to the legal profession.

The resolution was introduced by Rep. Timothy J. O'Neal, R-South Strabane. In a memorandum issued prior to the vote, found here, O'Neal stated that he was "recently made aware that during the COVID-19 pandemic … licensed attorneys, who were working as solicitors for school boards … were not following proper legal protocols … I was concerned to discover the limited public transparency utilized by the Disciplinary Board in their investigations and discipline of lawyers such as these solicitors. My resolution will encourage the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to provide greater public transparency of the investigation, adjudication and discipline of lawyers.