The great thing about the adult beverage industry is that it holds an alure for folks from all walks of life. Whether it be owning a restaurant or a hotel or getting into the wine, beer or spirits business, there is a good deal of information available on the internet regarding the processes needed to obtain proper licensing from both the Federal Trade and Tobacco Bureau (TTB) and the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB). Because this information is so plentiful and websites extremely informative, many people looking to obtain alcohol beverage licensing decide that the process is relatively straightforward and easy for them to navigate. As alcohol beverage counsel, we have seen time after time situations where people are lured into believing that they can navigate the licensing process alone, only to have to obtain counsel after their attempts are unproductive.

On its face, the licensing/administrative process seems to be rather straightforward and the information required, is limited. The PLCB "applicant/licensee requirements" checklist appears to be complete. However, a deep dive into the licensing process tells us that there are many unknown obstacles awaiting the unsuspecting applicant that are not readily apparent when beginning the process. As a consequence, experienced counsel can be extremely valuable in navigating the process and expediting a successful licensing application.