Over the years, particularly after the Clean Indoor Air Act, the walls between alcohol establishments catering exclusively to the 21-and-over crowd and those that offer a family friendly environment have increasingly come down. While there are still licensed businesses that exclude, or at least discourage, minors on their premises, there is a growing segment of the alcohol industry that strongly encourages families to come together in the presence of alcohol, including large arcades, entertainment complexes and movie theaters. Breweries, in particular, have struggled recently with the question of whether children in their taprooms is more of a benefit or burden. Many are positioning themselves as a destination for food, live music and recreation, encouraging patrons to spend more time on site. That leaves the key question of whether a trip to their establishment is a family-friendly outing or whether parents need to find a sitter. Recently, several breweries have enacted policies specifically excluding children from their premises, including Lovedraft's Brewing Co. in Mechanicsburg who excludes anyone under 21 at all times and Human Robot Brewery in Philadelphia who recently enacted a policy excluding anyone under 21 after 2 p.m. Each licensed establishment will need to determine whether or how much they want to market themselves as family friendly, but before a decision is made, each licensee should be familiar with what the Liquor Code allows and prohibits in terms of minors on the premises.