McMonagle Perri McHugh Mischak Davis partner Steve Patton (far right) stands with Villanova students, from left: Zach Wynkoop, Elizabeth Land, Griffith Hawk, Daniel Goldfield, and Margot Weitz. McMonagle Perri McHugh Mischak Davis partner Steve Patton (far right) stands with Villanova students, from left: Zach Wynkoop, Elizabeth Land, Griffith Hawk, Daniel Goldfield, and Margot Weitz. Courtesy photo


Philadelphia attorney Steven B. Patton of McMonagle Perri McHugh Mischak Davis coached two Villanova University teams that finished as semifinalists in the recent Texas Young Lawyers Association (TYLA) National Trial Competition (NTC).

Patton is director of Villanova's national trial team and an adjunct professor at the school. The TYLA competition annually attracts teams from more than 140 law schools across the country and 1,000-plus+ law students.

This year, the competition was held over several weekends in February 2023. The Philadelphia region segment of the NTC was coordinated by Patton with Drexel Law School's trial team coach, attorney Philip M. Pasquarello.