Howard Bashman Howard Bashman. Courtesy photo

Upon Further Review

I am currently in the midst of an approximately 45-day stretch in which I will be presenting appellate oral arguments in a total of five different cases. Not to mention the traveling involved. On March 6, I wrapped up a week-long vacation in California, where that morning the U.S. Supreme Court granted review in a case in which my client had prevailed in the Third Circuit.

On the morning of March 8, one cross-country trip and a three-hour time change later, I was before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to orally argue two separate cases. Then, on March 28, I was in Pittsburgh to argue an appeal scheduled for 15 minutes per side. The actual oral argument, however, probably took over an hour. After arriving home last Tuesday night, I departed early in the morning on March 29 for Little Rock, where I presented at an appellate continuing legal education symposium on March 31.

On April 12, I will be heading to Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania to argue before a three-judge Pennsylvania Superior Court panel, hearing cases on the road there. Then, I will be flying out to Phoenix, Arizona, where I have a U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit oral argument on April 18. You can view it live on YouTube if you wish.