Amy S. Kline of Saul Ewing. Courtesy photo Amy S. Kline of Saul Ewing. Courtesy photo

Amy Kline, Saul Ewing

A trusted adviser, Kline continues to guide her clients through challenges big and small. In the past year she represented multiple clients in significant litigation matters: pursuing reinsurance for environmental losses, obtaining a voluntary dismissal with prejudice for three Transamerica entities, representing Merck & Co. in litigation arising from the sale of its consumer care business to Bayer, and representing MSR Trust in a lawsuit against Nationstar Mortgage LLC relating to mortgage servicing.

In addition, she continues to serve as national managing counsel for AMEX Assurance Co. Christine Testaverde, director and counsel at AMEX notes, "Amy has been my North Star. She makes it possible to navigate everything from day-to-day issues to significant, game changing situations. As a result, we have steadily improved our operations and have consistently tackled litigation in a cost-effective fashion, with positive results."

What's the first piece of advice you would give someone when dealing with a crisis?