Krystal Kane of Blank Rome. Courtesy photo Krystal Kane of Blank Rome. Courtesy photo

Krystal Kane, Blank Rome

Kane is very dedicated to allyship, and to pro bono work that serves the LGBTQ+ community. Her personal pro bono practice focuses on legal name changes, and she handled 20 of these in 2022. She works regularly with the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund and Philadelphia VIP to do this critically important work.

Kane's advocacy does not stop at her individual name change practice, though. Through her connections with the Philadelphia LGBTQ+ Bar Association and the Philadelphia Bar Association, in April 2022, Kane organized a legal name change clinic in Philadelphia. She handled volunteer training via CLE, advertising through local organizations, and client preparation. Ultimately, over 40 people were able to secure legal name changes through this initiative. It was so successful that a group of attorneys in the Montgomery County Prothonotary's Office used this model to operate their own clinic, in conjunction with Legal Aid. These projects are ongoing and will continue into 2023.

What is one change you'd like to see all Pennsylvania firms make in order to promote diversity in the legal profession?