Berger Montague's lobby at the firm's offices in Philadelphia. Berger Montague's lobby at the firm's offices in Philadelphia.

Berger Montague

What's one of the biggest challenges law firms face today?

One of the biggest challenges facing law firms today is keeping pace with the constant advancements in technology, as it affects client service, case acquisition, and litigation. Law firms need to think and operate as any other type of business by prioritizing its technological infrastructure, identifying areas for greater efficiency where automation and technology can assist, and embracing new forms of digital marketing to reach potential clients where they are. Law firms that don't risk falling behind competitors.

From AI-powered e-discovery tools and case management systems powered by automation to Google search algorithm updates and TikTok ads, legal professionals today must embrace change or be humbled by it. Perhaps never before have law firms had to be so focused on areas of their business other than the practice of law as they do now. Digitizing law requires time and financial investments: onboarding a new case management system, modernizing a website, or building out a marketing team can take years and every year there is a new tool or tactic to learn and implement. Though it presents numerous opportunities for law, most law firms are experiencing growing pains as it catches up with advancements made a decade ago in other industries.