Cryptocurrency has emerged as a revolutionary form of digital currency that has disrupted traditional financial systems and opened new possibilities for decentralized transactions. As the number of transactional options continues to grow, so does the risk for potential buyers, sellers, traders and investors. The world of cryptocurrency is complex and perpetually changing, creating a difficult landscape for financial agencies to oversee and regulate effectively.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has repeatedly urged investors to take caution when considering an investment in cryptocurrency, pointing to the exceptionally volatile and speculative nature of the currencies (coins) and the lack of protections for investors in the cryptocurrency trading platforms. The SEC has explicitly stated that crypto trading platforms may not be complying with applicable federal securities law by allowing exchanges of coins that are not registered or exempt from registration with the SEC. Moreover, many crypto trading platforms have not registered as broker-dealers, investment advisers, alternative trading systems or exchanges subject to securities regulations. And many of these trading entities allow investors to "stake" their coins (the process of buying and holding coins with the goal of receiving interest). This practice may be subject to additional federal securities laws.