Bring up the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) to a group of attorneys—odds are the responses you receive will vary, but at least one doomsayer is guaranteed to warn you about AI leading to the total collapse of the legal profession. My interest in the idea of AI replacing lawyers was piqued earlier this year while attending an event at which I had the privilege to witness the celebration and recognition of many seasoned attorneys' careers. I intently listened as each of these honorees took to the stage to accept their awards and shared sentiments unique to their own backgrounds and experiences. Though no two speeches were the same, I could not help but notice an overwhelming majority of them similarly commentated on the rise of AI and its looming threat to eliminate the need for human lawyers. One part of my brain thought, "Well, being a lawyer was fun while it lasted!" while the other immediately (and predictably) opposed the notion that what we do as personal injury attorneys could ever realistically be replicated by robots.