It was only a matter of time before generative artificial intelligence (AI) made its way into the mainstream of the legal profession. Lawyers have adapted to technological advancements before, including the use of computers and smartphones, and will in time come to adapt to AI's integration in the legal practice. Attorneys who use AI programs should do so cautiously as this new level of technology evolves. This article, an overview of some of the many implications of AI for law firms and lawyers, sheds a spotlight on some jurisdictional developments related to AI and the practice of law, and highlights recent pitfalls involving the misuse of AI by practitioners.

Implications of AI for Law Firms and Lawyers

As with all new technologies, AI brings with it a plethora of potential benefits in the form of improving efficiency and reducing costs. Law firms and lawyers are increasingly engaging with AI programs and tools in conjunction with document reviews, legal research, contract drafting and the preparation of legal briefs. There are, however, certain limits and uncertainties that come with the use of this evolving technology.