On April 18 from 5:30-8 p.m., join HIAS Pennsylvania for its annual Golden Door Awards at the Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History on Independence Mall. HIAS PA will honor client Rev. Zoe Cassell, St. Mary's Episcopal Church, and law firm Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders for supporting Philadelphia's immigrant community. The event helps the organization serve low-income immigrants from all over the world as they build new lives in the community. https://hiaspa.org/event/2024goldendoorawards/

On April 18, from 5-8 p.m., Philadelphia VIP and Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia will hold part one of a two-part estate planning clinic. Following the training, volunteers will work with Habitat Philadelphia clients to make wills and powers of attorney. Attorneys and paralegals are welcome. https://www.phillyvip.org/events/wills-clinic-apr-2024/