Hannalore Merritt, with Osterhout Berger Disability Law. Courtesy photo Hannalore Merritt, with Osterhout Berger Disability Law. Courtesy photo

Hannalore Merritt, Osterhout Berger Disability Law

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Each year, administrative law judges of the Social Security Administration evaluate hundreds of thousands of disability claims, with historically only half being approved. This results in a significant number of cases ripe for appeal. In 2021, for example, federal district courts issued over 17,000 decisions in Social Security cases, and in 2022, this volume grew to over 21,000. (https://nosscr.org/article/2022-waterfall-charts/).

While a denial by an administrative law judge doesn't necessarily indicate appealable issues, the large volume of such denials presents a challenge for practitioners. The combination of voluminous case files and narrow appeal windows (of just 65 days) demands efficient review processes. AI and legal tech advancements are not typically prioritized in the Social Security disability practice area; for example, Lex Machina provides federal court analytics for all practice areas except Social Security and prisoner petitions. (//lexmachina.com/wp-content/uploads/LM-Legal-Analytics-Coverage.pdf).