Gary F. Lynch (Photo by Laura Mares) Gary F. Lynch (Photo by Laura Mares)

Gary Lynch, Lynch Carpenter

How did you remain effective in light of all the challenges the legal field faced?

There always have been challenges within our profession. One of the interesting aspects of practicing law over an extended period of time is that you gain perspective on the large-scale shifts in the profession, especially those impacted by society's slowly changing view of lawyers, generally. It is important to understand these changes, even the ones that occur slowly, and to be respond by re-evaluating the business and professional aspects of being a lawyer and operating a law firm. Lawyers play a vital role in our society, and I believe that will continue as our society becomes more complex. But there is an ever-growing cynicism regarding lawyers, and their value to our society is not always understood or acknowledged. All lawyers are ambassadors for our profession and should conduct themselves with that in mind, at all times.

What is the best advice you ever received?