Michelle Yarbrough Korb of Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney. Courtesy photo Michelle Yarbrough Korb of Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney. Courtesy photo

Michelle Yarbrough Korb, Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney

How did you remain effective in light of all the challenges the legal field faced?

It boils down to a dedication to keeping up with what's next in the industry and maintaining relationships. There is no shortage of new programs, regulations, guidance, etc. in affordable housing. If I know what may be coming down the road, I am better prepared and can help my clients proactively. I am fortunate to have a strong team at Buchanan focused on affordable housing. We divide and conquer on the applicable reading and monitoring of relevant publications and meet weekly to discuss new developments, issues and solutions/approaches and what clients would benefit from knowing about it. My involvement with the National Community Revitalization and Development Committee of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials and Women in Housing and Finance of Pennsylvania also helps as I get to participate in an exchange of ideas and develop relationships. I run into the same players in the affordable housing community year after year, so it is important to establish and maintain strong working relationships. When you consistently deliver strong work product, are responsive, clearly communicate and are reliable, it makes a difference to you and your clients. That reputation coupled with strong relationships can move a deal forward towards closing or beyond an issue that would otherwise be difficult to overcome.

What is the best advice you ever received?