Wiggin and Dana's office sign. Courtesy photo Wiggin and Dana's office sign. Courtesy photo

Insurance: Wiggin and Dana

What were some of the biggest challenges you faced in the past year and how did you overcome them?

The two biggest challenges we faced in the last year were keeping our client contact information up to date, given the increased movement of personnel between client companies; and the impact of social inflation on exposure to claims. We dealt with the first challenge by staying in regular contact with clients and ensuring that new personnel dealing with our matters were aware of our longstanding relationships with our clients and more importantly our track record and capabilities. We dealt with the second challenge by ensuring that clients were educated as to the impact of social inflation and successfully advocating for reason-based findings and awards.

Hybrid work has been a major factor for law firms to wrestle with this year. What has your team's approach to the hybrid work environment been and how have you continued to foster a successful environment?