Morgan Lewis offices in downtown Philadelphia. April 9, 2018. Photo: Diego M. Radzinschi/ALM Morgan Lewis offices in downtown Philadelphia. April 9, 2018. Photo: Diego M. Radzinschi/ALM

Labor & Employment: Morgan, Lewis & Bockius

What were some of the biggest challenges you faced in the past year and how did you overcome them?

Clients understandably have had many questions about DEI programs as a result of the Supreme Court's affirmative action ruling, which has resulted in keeping up to speed on the quickly developing law and legal challenges in this area and then educating clients about potential implications for their programs. We also had several complex discrimination cases to bring to conclusion, and our successes in this arena really came down to building the right teams, digging deep past the more obvious arguments/themes, and doing our homework so that we could construct a winning argument.

Finally, on the technology front, there seems to be a constant stream of new tools and platforms to choose from that will transform our industry or make time-consuming tasks faster. Luckily, Morgan Lewis has a top-notch team that thoroughly reviews new technology and how it could meet the firm's and our clients' needs.