From the public information officer of the Pennsylvania Bar Association to the marketing director of a legal nonprofit, communications strategies are imperative for success in the legal industry. In a place where public perception, media relations and crisis management converge, these professionals often balance issues that can significantly impact their organizations' reputations and effectiveness. Whether it's a state bar association facing public scrutiny over a controversial disciplinary decision or a nonprofit legal aid organization raising awareness about critical access to justice issues, each case requires a well-crafted communications strategy to avoid a public relations (PR) disaster and ensure a reputational win.

Annual New Leaders Platform Development and Communications Plan

A well-developed communications plan can smooth leadership transitions and set them up for success. Introducing new association presidents or nonprofit executive directors to various communications channels such as member newsletters, social media and press releases allows them to better understand the organization's communications process as well as the pathways to communicate their vision and priorities to members, stakeholders and the public.