As of 2024, the landscape of U.S. state data privacy laws has grown increasingly complex, with seven additional states passing comprehensive privacy laws, bringing the total to 19 states. This count could rise to 20 if the controversial Florida Digital Bill of Rights is included. However, the real story of 2024 lies not in the number of new laws, but in the significant variations in the scope and substance of these laws. This year marks a departure from the previous dominance of the Washington State Privacy Act (WPA) framework, signaling a shift in how states approach privacy protection.

Key Trends in Data Privacy Legislation

While the WPA has influenced many state privacy laws enacted between 2021 and 2023, 2024 saw a growing divergence in legislative approaches, making it clear that the era of widespread adherence to the WPA model is coming to an end. Notably, Maryland passed a law that introduces unique data minimization provisions, while states like Vermont and Maine also proposed more restrictive measures, though they ultimately failed to pass.