Lamb McErlane senior partner James E. McErlane. Courtesy photo Lamb McErlane senior partner James E. McErlane. Courtesy photo

Elected and Appointed

Lamb McErlane senior partner James E. McErlane has been appointed by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to the PA Commission on Judicial Independence.

Established by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in 2005, the Commission on Judicial Independence (PACJI) was charged to foster a greater understanding by the public about the role of the judiciary, explain the value of an independent judiciary in America, and illuminate unjust criticism of the judicial system. Since its inception, the commission has created educational programs and seminars for the public, often in collaboration with legal profession partners to help facilitate a positive public discourse about the courts.

As the 20th anniversary of the commission approaches, the Court has appointed new members, including McErlane, under the leadership of chair Pennsylvania Superior Court Judge Mary Jane Bowes and vice-chair Charles Becker of Kline & Specter.